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Showing: 1 - 5 of 5 RESULTS

Different Types of Pain

Headache Pain Headaches affect all ages, races and socioeconomic classes. The four most types of headaches are vascular – like a migraine; muscle contraction- also known as tension; traction- which …


Types of Stress

Acute stress Acute stress happens to everyone. It’s the body’s immediate reaction to a new and challenging situation. It’s the kind of stress you might feel when you narrowly escape …


Is all stress bad?

Stress isn’t necessarily a bad thing. It’s what helped our hunter-gatherer ancestors survive, and it’s just as important in today’s world. It can be healthy when it helps you avoid …


How Does Massage Work

Massage is believed to improve blood and lymph circulation. This is probably due partly to the physical manipulation of soft tissue and partly to the chemicals released as part of the …